About Me

My name is Alicja but my friends call me Lala and I love the energy of this nickname. I’m a self taught abstract artist and painting frees my imagination and provides amazing end results.
      My artistic journey unknowingly began after I suffered a concussion after a car accident in 2016. After long physical therapy treatments in March of 2018, my girlfriend wanted to help me dealing with post-concussion  sidefects  and she drag me to a wine and painting class, and then something amazing happened, I JUST ZONED OUT AND WENT TO THIS WONDERFUL PEACEFUL PLACE , felt like my brain rebooted completely. That day, came back home and announced to my husband that I am getting art supplies and will start painting. I love making this colorful bold art with no restriction of style or colors ! In the beginning I did not know anything about painting or styles which made me free of any boundaries or limitations. 
      My life’s purpose began then, start using art to unleash my imagination and share my work with the world. The best part is that no one could believe I could paint and make beatiful art.
My paintings are bright, bold and happy to bring optimistic and uplifting energy to my collectors .
      Every collector is so unique and have a different energy vibration to be filled         , that is so important for you to connect with particular piece on every level of your  being. So many collectors have told me how energy just changed in their homes and other places where they out my paintings. I decided to use my paintings as an inspiration to design other beautiful colorful things like shoes etc.
Every morning, I just want you to look at my art, smile and get inspired to cary on the day.
               " TO BE BREAVE , BOLD, TO BE DIFFERENT !
                                                           - Lala Lapinski